2023 Other Kove 450


2023 Other Kove 450
Updated 3 weeks ago
    [ride_id] => 1477173898
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => Spring LALE fire & Adventure
    [rating] => 5
    [off_road] => 1
    [difficulty] => 3
    [dt_ride] => 2024-08-18
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2024-08-18 20:25:15
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Spring LALE fire & Adventure
    [ride_id] => 850194070
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => Field of dreams & June in the Dunes
    [rating] => 5
    [off_road] => 1
    [difficulty] => 3
    [dt_ride] => 2024-05-20
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2024-05-23 04:53:37
    [featured_image] => Array
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Field of dreams & June in the Dunes
    [ride_id] => 3203988086
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => May 10 2024 Tablet Test
    [rating] => 0
    [off_road] => 0
    [difficulty] => 0
    [dt_ride] => 2024-05-10
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2024-05-10 23:28:50
    [featured_image] => Array
            [upload_id] => SscJvvTH8LuFxXexh35BVdW4K2900aPw8Zut1epeYTyCIcNwTN
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May 10 2024 Tablet Test
    [ride_id] => 405394120
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => May 10 2024 Test
    [rating] => 0
    [off_road] => 0
    [difficulty] => 0
    [dt_ride] => 2024-05-10
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2024-05-10 23:08:00
    [featured_image] => Array
            [upload_id] => R2CvZyUmZN9JHVdtgFqGGhZJRYgPdTbcgdMB7JRg41COzcbMBt
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May 10 2024 Test
    [ride_id] => 3666882073
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => Rustic EveRide Dualsport Loop
    [rating] => 6
    [off_road] => 1
    [difficulty] => 0
    [dt_ride] => 2024-04-10
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2024-04-10 23:54:27
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Rustic EveRide Dualsport Loop
    [ride_id] => 1416608037
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => Home Turf & Big Air
    [rating] => 6
    [off_road] => 0
    [difficulty] => 0
    [dt_ride] => 2023-11-05
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2023-11-09 03:57:41
    [featured_image] => Array
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Home Turf & Big Air
    [ride_id] => 3357082603
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => He slides...... Safe on first!
    [rating] => 6
    [off_road] => 0
    [difficulty] => 0
    [dt_ride] => 2023-11-03
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2023-11-07 02:34:31
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He slides...... Safe on first!
    [ride_id] => 1702734410
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => Garnet Valley night ride
    [rating] => 6
    [off_road] => 1
    [difficulty] => 4
    [dt_ride] => 2023-11-02
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2023-11-07 02:30:44
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Garnet Valley night ride
    [ride_id] => 613398713
    [user_id] => 375500575
    [user] => Array
            [user_id] => 375500575
            [firstname] => Russ
            [lastname] => Paton
            [profile_image] => IlqBRg757IuuXeZOjmU6JVT7MSfubOV6HITURxnMWmJqlnnacq

    [moto_id] => 979230431
    [moto] => Array
            [moto_id] => 979230431
            [name] => Rusty
            [classification] => 1
            [icon] => Array
                    [style] => 1030
                    [color] => 3


    [classification] => 1
    [title] => First Ride & a grin that won't quit!
    [rating] => 6
    [off_road] => 1
    [difficulty] => 4
    [dt_ride] => 2023-11-01
    [app_hash] => 
    [dt_added] => 2023-11-06 19:17:22
    [featured_image] => Array
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    [visibility] => public
First Ride & a grin that won't quit!

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