2023 KTM 390 Adventure


2023 KTM 390 Adventure
Updated 10 months ago
My first bike! After taking a basic course at passing the MST at the end of March, I started the search for a bike. I had the T7 in mind as an ideal bike, but was thinking a used KLR. With T7s being as rare as unicorns, I sat on a bunch of different bikes before checking out the 890 Adventure from KTM--hadn't thought of KTM much at all but a few days of resarch got me pretty excited about the brand. Ultimately, I decided the 890 would be too much for a brand new rider and ordered the 390.

I friggen love it. A few months in it is very clear starting with a smaller bike was a great decision. While I'm already dreaming about a T7 or an 890 for the 'next bike', I have a lot of growth the do on this awesome little machine. Maybe when I'm looking at a bigger model, my wife will be ready to learn to ride this thing. A man can dream.
2023 KTM 390 Adventure
2023 KTM 390 Adventure
2023 KTM 390 Adventure
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