KBDR - Day 4; Sayanara
Compass Geoff Jukema
20 months ago
Start Time: 8:00
Finished: 18:30
Total Km: 336km
KBDR to Greenwood
Instead of travelling the highway from Greenwood, head towards Jewel Lake, but turn to go up Wallace FSR. It’s fun and ends at Christian Valley.
It was a very hot day, so we enjoyed a cooldown and lunch at the river.
- Walllas FSR to Christian Valley
- Swim and lunch at river
- Christian Valley to Barth FSR
- Barth FSR to Sandeift To Big White West
- 201/McCullough home
And check out that pre-filter on Elo’s 390! after 1600km. She carries 3 pre filters and one spare filter. Thinking next time I better change it a bit sooner. The good news is that it worked well; the main filter is still spotless.
Finished: 18:30
Total Km: 336km
KBDR to Greenwood
Instead of travelling the highway from Greenwood, head towards Jewel Lake, but turn to go up Wallace FSR. It’s fun and ends at Christian Valley.
It was a very hot day, so we enjoyed a cooldown and lunch at the river.
- Walllas FSR to Christian Valley
- Swim and lunch at river
- Christian Valley to Barth FSR
- Barth FSR to Sandeift To Big White West
- 201/McCullough home
And check out that pre-filter on Elo’s 390! after 1600km. She carries 3 pre filters and one spare filter. Thinking next time I better change it a bit sooner. The good news is that it worked well; the main filter is still spotless.