Wanduro 2024

Wanduro 2024

"Machine Gun" Kelly
2 months ago



My first Wanduro event was pretty damn cool. Incredible scenery, fantastic riding partners, fun trails and no mechanicals or flat tires. We got skunked on the points scoring due to a bad navigation decision by the team that put us back to check-in 20 minutes late, but "that's racing" as they say. Really well run event with some great sponsors and vendors on site to promote the sport. Can't wait until the next one. Only downside was a fire closure on Saturday that took half of the event terrain off the table.
Wanduro 2024
Wanduro 2024
Wanduro 2024
Wanduro 2024
Wanduro 2024
Wanduro 2024
Wanduro 2024
Wanduro 2024

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