Falltime KVR to Princeton
Compass Geoff Jukema
18 months ago
Fall is here and I’ve wanted to take E on this ride for a few years now, we just never made it happen until now.
Ideally, we should have been on this ride a couple of weeks ago to get the full impact of the fall colours . Don’t get me wrong, we saw quite a bit, but a lot has already fallen.
The scenery of this ride does not disappoint! We rode from Summerland to Princeton on the KVR and rode the summerland-Princeton rd back. Both are a treat. (Note to self; take the dirtbikes to summerland!).
We really enjoyed the grasslands coming into Princeton; you are more immersed in them on the KVR. Beware of the white dogs near the sheep ranges though! They have an escape route leading onto the KVR and they are fast runners and didn’t care for the bikes too much :/
Ideally, we should have been on this ride a couple of weeks ago to get the full impact of the fall colours . Don’t get me wrong, we saw quite a bit, but a lot has already fallen.
The scenery of this ride does not disappoint! We rode from Summerland to Princeton on the KVR and rode the summerland-Princeton rd back. Both are a treat. (Note to self; take the dirtbikes to summerland!).
We really enjoyed the grasslands coming into Princeton; you are more immersed in them on the KVR. Beware of the white dogs near the sheep ranges though! They have an escape route leading onto the KVR and they are fast runners and didn’t care for the bikes too much :/